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hotel bangkok

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  leniak Mer 24 Mar 2010 - 9:52

Sam_Sallung a écrit:C'est combien, pas tres cher? hotel bangkok - Page 2 1283

il y a assez souvent des promotions sur cet hotel car ils ont malgré tout du mal à remplir, c'est vrai que l'expérience peut être interessante car les chambres sont belles hotel bangkok - Page 2 Icon_jokercolor

Localisation : grand sud
Messages : 16
Date d'inscription : 24/03/2010

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  leniak Mer 24 Mar 2010 - 9:58

Bonjour la Corse et le soleil,
tu as l'air d'être un habitué mais si tu connais pas, ce petit hotel au bord du fleuve est sympa avec une belle vue, en particulier le soir : http://www.arunresidence.com/main.htm
sinon, aussi celui-ci :

mais de toute manière, un bon séjour !

Localisation : grand sud
Messages : 16
Date d'inscription : 24/03/2010

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  fortini Mer 24 Mar 2010 - 10:17

merci de ces adresses !

je testerai j'espère dans un temps pas trop long , quelques mois , si les petits cochons ne me mangent pas hotel bangkok - Page 2 1283

bises de corse ( ou plutot de paris ou je suis ces jours ci ) hotel bangkok - Page 2 885944 hotel bangkok - Page 2 885944

Localisation : BASTIA
Messages : 154
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2009

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  Chris68 Sam 9 Oct 2010 - 20:02

Pour éviter de créer un nouveau sujet, je poursuis celui-ci.

Quelqu'un connait-il la GH HANSAAH à Bangkok, un peu dans le sud-est de la ville ?
J'ai trouvé ceci :
et ça :
On me l'a conseillé.
Mais je me méfie des avis trop élogieux de certains sites comme tripadvisor !
Des expériences ?
Merci d'avance !


Localisation : Alsace
Messages : 221
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2010

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  fortini Dim 10 Oct 2010 - 6:43


va passer une nuit , tu ne risque rien et tu vois comment il est !

les conseils de trip an général sont assez fiables , mais il vaut mieux voir par soi même !

bon dimanche

Localisation : BASTIA
Messages : 154
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2009

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  Chris68 Dim 10 Oct 2010 - 7:22

Merci Fortini, mais c'est juste pour une nuit ! Alors dommage si elle est ratée ! Youpi Yeah
Tripadvisor c'est peut-être fiable en général, mais je me dis que comme n'importe qui peut y déposer un avis, le patron de la GH et tous ses copains peuvent venir y mettre un super avis favorable et hop, j't'embrouille.
Mais je suis sans doute trop méfiant.
Merci quand même.


Localisation : Alsace
Messages : 221
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2010

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  fortini Dim 10 Oct 2010 - 8:20

combien tu veux mettre pour ta nuit ?

j'ai une excellente adresse

The Heritage Baan Silom
659 Silom 19, Silom Road
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500


c'est 45 € a peu près la nuit

je l'ai testé il y a 2 ans , vraiment très bien !

Localisation : BASTIA
Messages : 154
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2009

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  Kaphrao Dim 10 Oct 2010 - 12:22

Chris68 a écrit:[color=black]Tripadvisor c'est peut-être fiable en général, mais je me dis que comme n'importe qui peut y déposer un avis, le patron de la GH et tous ses copains peuvent venir y mettre un super avis favorable et hop, j't'embrouille.
Entièrement d'accord avec çà.
De même qu'un hotelier concurrent peut aussi poster des commentaires négatifs non fondés.


Localisation : Paris
Messages : 79
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2009

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  Chris68 Dim 10 Oct 2010 - 18:02

fortini a écrit:combien tu veux mettre pour ta nuit ?
j'ai une excellente adresse
The Heritage Baan Silom
c'est 45 € a peu près la nuit
Ca fait cher (j'ai des oursins dans les poches Laughing ).
Avec ça chaque jour, j'explose mon budget ! (On va partir 3 mois...)
Le Hansaah coûte 850 THB inclus petit-dèj, ça me semble très bien vu les photos et le descriptif.
C'est le quartier qui me freine un peu.


Localisation : Alsace
Messages : 221
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2010

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  Chris68 Dim 10 Oct 2010 - 18:03

Kaphrao a écrit:De même qu'un hotelier concurrent peut aussi poster des commentaires négatifs non fondés.
Vrai aussi


Localisation : Alsace
Messages : 221
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2010

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  fortini Dim 10 Oct 2010 - 18:04

Avec ça chaque jour, j'explose mon budget ! (On va partir 3 mois...)

c'est une donnée importante que j'ignorais !

alors tu trouveras sans pbs de quoi te loger !

bonne soirée

Localisation : BASTIA
Messages : 154
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2009

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  thanaka Dim 24 Avr 2011 - 9:22

hotel bangkok - Page 2 Screen21

Un hotel boutique design et très sympa, BTS Ploenchit, de belles chambres modernes, avec Nespresso "Thai" et équipements électroniques à la pointe, WIFI très rapide, douche immense comme la SDB.

la soi est hyper calme, celle du Marriott, c'est une impasse, la circulation est proche de 0

Piscine sur le toit bien ensoleillée



prix sur place 1350 baht sans le petit dej,

résa sur Agoda, Latestays

c'est comme le Fenix, mais tout en mieux !!!

Localisation : il existe une application pour ça
Messages : 2606
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  Chris68 Dim 24 Avr 2011 - 15:59

Merci pour cette réponse mème si elle est un peu tardive !
En effet on est bien partis 3 mois comme prévus et rentrés depuis le 28 février... Youpi Yeah
Finalement nous avons bien dormi à la HANSAAH GH et on peut recommander les yeux fermés !
Mais je note cette nouvelle adresse car nous repartons fin mai pour un mois et je voudrais cette fois justement, un hotel près d'une station de BTS ou de MRT.
Donc : merci !


Localisation : Alsace
Messages : 221
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2010

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hotel bangkok - Page 2 Empty Re: hotel bangkok

Message  Admin Jeu 6 Oct 2011 - 7:22

Une liste non exhaustive proposée par l'excellent guide anglophone Rough Guide


Buddy Lodge 265 Thanon Khao San 02 629 4477 www.buddylodge.com The most stylish and expensive hotel on Khao San and right in the thick of the action. The charming, colonial-style rooms are done out in cream, with louvred shutters, balconies, air-con and polished dark-wood floors, though they are not as pristine as you might expect for the price. There's a beautiful rooftop pool, a spa, and several bars and restaurants downstairs in the Buddy Village complex. Specify an upper-floor location away from Khao San to ensure a quieter night's sleep. Price: B1500-2500

D & D Inn 68–70 Thanon Khao San 02 629 0526 www.khaosanby.com The attractive seventh-floor rooftop pool, with expansive views (and wi-fi), is the clincher at this good-value, mid-sized hotel located in the midst of the throng. Rooms all have air-con and TV and are comfortably furnished and perfectly fine, if not immaculate. The cheapest single rooms don't have windows. Price: B700-1000

Khao San Palace Hotel 139 Thanon Khao San 02 282 0578 Clean and well-appointed hotel with a rooftop pool. All rooms have bathrooms and windows and some also have air-con and TV. The best rooms are in the new wing – they're nicely tiled and some have panoramic views. Price: B350-500

Lek House 125 Thanon Khao San 02 281 8441 Classic old-style Khao San guest house, with twenty small, basic rooms, all with shared bathrooms and thin partition walls but thick mattresses. Less shabby than many others in the same price bracket and friendlier than most. Can get noisy at night as it's right next to the popular Silk Bar. Price: B200-350

Siam Oriental 190 Thanon Khao San 02 629 0312 www.siamorientalgroup.com Small hotel right in the middle of Thanon Khao San, offering slightly scruffy rooms in a cheery shade of mauve, all with attached bathrooms and most with a window. Some rooms have air-con and a few also have balconies. Price: B350-500

Wally House 189/1–2 Thanon Khao San 02 282 7067 Small guest house behind the family restaurant, with very cheap, very small, bottom-budget fan rooms, some of them en suite. Set back from the road so quieter than many. Price: Under B200

Bella Bella House Soi Ram Bhuttri 02 629 3090 The pastel-coloured rooms in this guest house are no frills but well priced and a few boast lovely views over Wat Chana Songkhram. The cheapest share bathrooms, and the most expensive have air-con. In-room wi-fi available throughout. Price: B200-350

Lamphu House 75 Soi Ram Bhuttri 02 629 5861 www.lamphuhouse.com With smart bamboo beds, coconut-wood clothes rails, and elegant rattan lamps in even its cheapest rooms, this travellers' hotel set round a quiet courtyard has a calm, modern feel. Cheapest rooms share facilities and have no outside view. Wi-fi is available throughout. Price: B200-350

Merry V Soi Ram Bhuttri 02 282 9267 Large, efficiently run guest house offering some of the cheapest accommodation in Banglamphu. Bottom-end rooms are basic and small, many share bathrooms and it's pot luck whether you get a window or not. Better en-suites and air-con versions are also available and there's a useful noticeboard in the downstairs restaurant. Price: Under B200

Navalai River Resort45/1 Thanon Phra Arthit 02 280 9955 www.navalai.com Style-conscious riverfront hotel, with an elegant rooftop pool, modishly furnished rooms, and river views from the most desirable. There's air-con, private balconies and wi-fi throughout and the excellent riverside Aquatini restaurant is at ground level. Price: B1500-2500

New Siam 2 50 Trok Rong Mai 02 282 2795 www.newsiam.net Very pleasant and well run small hotel whose en-suite fan and air-con rooms stand out for their thoughtfully designed extras such as in-room safes, cable TV and drying rails on the balconies. Occupies a quiet but convenient location and has a small streetside pool. Popular with families and triple rooms are also available. Price: B500-700

Peachy Guest House 10 Thanon Phra Arthit 02 281 6471 Popular, good value, very cheap long-running Bangkok institution set round a small, late-night courtyard bar. Offers lots of clean, simple, wooden-floored rooms, most with shared bathrooms but some with air-con. Price: Under B200

Lamphu Treehouse 155 Saphan Wanchat, Thanon Phracha Thipatai 02 282 0991 www.lamphutreehotel.com Named after the lamphu trees (as in Banglamphu, "place with lamphu trees") that line the adjacent canal, this attractively turned-out mid-range guest house offers smart, modish air-con rooms, all with balconies and plenty of polished teakwood fittings. There's a pool, and wi-fi in the lobby. It's in a quiet neighbourhood but just a few minutes' walk from Democracy, Khao San and the river. Price: B700-1000

Old Bangkok Inn 609 Thanon Phra Sumen; 15min walk from Tha Phra Arthit express-boat pier or 10min walk from Khao San 02 629 1785 www.oldbangkokinn.com This chic little boutique guest house has just ten air-con rooms, each of them styled in dark wood, with antique north-Thai partitions and antique Burmese doors, beds and ironwork lamps, plus elegant contemporary-accented bathrooms. All rooms have a PC with free broadband acess, wi-fi and DVD player. Some also have a tiny private garden. Very convenient for the Khlong Saen Saeb canal-boat service. Price: B2500-4000

Phra Nakorn Norn Len 46 Thewet Soi 1, Thewet 02 628 8188 www.phranakorn-nornlen.com What was once a seedy short-time motel has been transformed into a bohemian haven with genuine eco-conscious and socially engaged sensibilities and a tangible fair-trade philosophy. Every one of the thirty comfortable, though not luxurious, rooms has been hand-painted to a different retro Thai design, and each has a platform bed, cute modern bathroom, balcony, CD player, wi-fi and air-con. The downstairs areas are filled with the owner's twentieth-century collectibles; the rooftop enjoys unrivalled views of Wat Indraviharn's huge standing Buddhaand is partly given over to growing organic veg for the restaurant. Price: B1500-2500

Sri Ayutthaya 23/11 Soi 14, Thanon Sri Ayutthaya, Thewet 02 282 5942 The most attractive guest house in Thewet, where the good-sized rooms (choose between fan rooms with or without private bathroom and en suites with air-con) are elegantly done out with beautiful wood-panelled walls and polished wood floors. Price: B350-500

Vimol Guest House 358 Samsen Soi 4 02 281 4615 Old-style, family-run guest house in a quiet but interesting neighbourhood that has just a smattering of other tourist places. The simple, cramped, hardboard-walled rooms are ultra basic and have shared bathrooms but are possibly the cheapest in Banglamphu. Price: Under B200

Baan Dinso113 Trok Sin, Thanon Dinso 02 622 0560 www.baandinso.com This tasteful, upmarket little guest house of just nine rooms occupies an elegant 1920s' Thai house all done out in cool buttermilk paintwork and polished teak floors. Prices are a little steep considering that all but the deluxe rooms have to use shared ground-floor bathrooms, but they all have air-con, TV and DVD players and there's free wi-fi. Youth Hostel members get a ten percent discount. Price: B1000-1500

Boonsiri Place55 Thanon Buranasart 02 622 2189 www.boonsiriplace.com Run by two charming sisters, this mid-range hotel is notable for its warm welcome, environmentally conscious policies and old-Bangkok neighbourhood location less than 10min walk from the Grand Palace. Each of its 48 air-con rooms is hung with a different painting commissioned from Thai traditional temple artist Chanok Chunchob, whose work is also on sale in the adjacent gallery. Price: B1000-1500

Top ▲


Chakrabongse Villas 396 Thanon Maharat 02 224 6686 www.thaivillas.com Riverside luxury accommodation with a difference: in the luxuriant gardens of hundred-year-old Chakrabongse House overlooking Wat Arun, four tranquil villas beautifully furnished in dark wood and silk, with polished teak floors. All have air-con and cable TV, and there's a small, attractive swimming pool and an open-sided riverfront pavilion for relaxing or dining (if ordered in advance). Price: B4000 and above

Top ▲


Baan Hualamphong 336/20 Soi Chalong Krung; 5min walk from Hualamphong station 02 639 8054 www.baanhualampong.com This once strikingly stylish, now slightly faded wooden guest house is still the most welcoming in the lane, not least for its traveller-friendly vibe. There are big, bright, double rooms plus five-person dorms at B220 per bed, but all but one room share bathrooms. Has kitchen facilities, inviting lounging areas and a small roof terrace, provides a left-luggage service and is open 24hr. Price: B500-700

Bangkok Center 328 Thanon Rama IV 02 238 4848 www.bangkokcentrehotel.com The most interesting thing about this otherwise rather mediocre, old-fashioned hotel is its location, a couple of steps from the subway's exit 4 and just across the road from Hualamphong train station. Rooms are air-con and adequate for the price and there's a pool, restaurant and wi-fi throughout. Price: B1000-1500

FF Guest House 338/10 Trok La-O, off Thanon Rama IV; a 5min walk from Hualamphong train and subway stations 02 233 4168 Tiny, family-run guest house offering ten cheap, cell-like but perfectly acceptable wooden-floored fan rooms with shared bathrooms. No other facilities, nor much English spoken. Price: B200-350

Grand China Princess 215 Thanon Yaowarat 02 224 9977 www.grandchina.com The poshest hotel in Chinatown boasts fairly luxurious accommodation in its 27-storey tower close to the heart of the bustle, with stunning views over all the city landmarks (the best take in the river), a small rooftop swimming pool, revolving panoramic restaurant and broadband in every room. Price: B1500-2500

Shanghai Mansion479 Thanon Yaowarat, next to Scala Sharks Fin Restaurant 02 221 2121 www.shanghai-inn.com The most design-conscious accommodation in Chinatown has embraced the modern Chinoiserie look with gusto. Rooms are prettily done out in silks, lacquer-look furniture and lanterns, featuring a lot of sumptuous reds and purples. There's barely any daylight in the hotel (only the noisy street-front suites have windows and views) but standard rooms are cosily isolated from the Chinatown frenzy and all have air-con, TV and free wi-fi. Price: B1500-2500

TT2 Guest House 516 Soi Kaeo Fa (formerly Soi Sawang and known to taxi drivers as such), off Thanon Maha Nakorn; about 15min walk from either Hualamphong station or the N3 Si Phraya express-boat stop 02 236 2946 ttguesthouse@hotmail.com A long-running, traveller-friendly budget place, this guest house is clean and well run, has simple singles, doubles and triples, and stores left luggage at B15–20 a day. All rooms share bathrooms. No check-in between midnight and 5.30am. Price: B200-350

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Ibrik Resort by the River 256 Soi Wat Rakang; 5 min walk from express-boat stop Tha Wang Lang 02 848 9220 www.ibrikresort.com With just three rooms, this is the most bijou of boutique resorts. Each room is beautifully appointed in boho-chic style, with traditional wood floors, modernist white walls and sparkling silk accessories – and two of them have balconies right over the Chao Phraya River. It's just like staying at a trendy friend's in a neighbourhood that sees hardly any other tourists and is famous for its great streetfood market at nearby Tha Wang Lang. Price: B2500-4000

Top ▲

Northern downtown: around Siam Square

A-One Inn 25/13 Soi Kasemsan 1, Thanon Rama I 02 215 3029 www.aoneinn.com The original upscale guest house, and still justifiably popular, with a 24hr Internet café, wi-fi and a reliable left-luggage room. Bedrooms all have satellite TV and come in a variety of sizes, including family rooms; discounts for longer stays. Price: B500-700

The Bed & Breakfast 36/42 Soi Kasemsan 1, Thanon Rama I 02 215 3004 02 215 2493 Bright, clean and family-run, though the rooms – carpeted, en suite and with telephones – are a bit cramped. As the name suggests, a simple breakfast – coffee, toast and fruit – is included. Price: B500-700

Far East Inn 20/8–11 Soi Bangkok Bazaar, Soi Chitlom 02 255 4041 www.geocities.com/fareastinn The large rooms here are unexceptional but well equipped – air-con, cable TV, mini-bars and baths with hot water – and the place is friendly, very central and reasonably quiet. Discounts for YHA members. Price: B1000-1500

Patumwan House 22 Soi Kasemsan 1, Thanon Rama I 02 612 3580 www.patumwanhouse.com Very large, though rather bare rooms with satellite TV, wi-fi, fridges and wardrobes; facilities include a café and Internet access. Discounted weekly and monthly rates. Price: B1000-1500

Reno Hotel 40 Soi Kasemsan 1, Thanon Rama I 02 215 0026 www.renohotel.co.th Friendly hotel, boasting large, comfortable, en-suite rooms with air-con, hot water, baths and TV (some with fridges), and a small swimming pool. Far more stylish than the bedrooms is the bar-restaurant, refurbished in contemporary Thai style, where breakfast is served (included in the price). Internet access. Price: B700-1000

Wendy House 36/2 Soi Kasemsan 1, Thanon Rama I 02 214 1149 www.wendyguesthouse.com Friendly and well-run guest house, with smart, clean and comfortable rooms, all with fridge, cable TV and wi-fi access. Internet terminals in the ground-floor café, where breakfast (included in the price) is served. Discounted weekly rates. Internet bookings accepted. Price: B700-1000

White Lodge 36/8 Soi Kasemsan 1, Thanon Rama I 02 216 8867 Cheapest guest house on the lane, with shining white cubicles and a lively, welcoming atmosphere – the best rooms, bright and quiet, are on the upper floors. Price: B350-500

Conrad All Seasons Place, 87 Thanon Witthayu 02 690 9999 www.conradhotels.com The Conrad places a high premium on design, aiming to add a cutting edge to traditional Thai style, and on service, including tailor-made itineraries by the concierge. Bathroom fittings include free-standing baths, glass walls and huge shower heads, and there's an enticing pool, spa, gym and two floodlit tennis courts. Restaurants include the modern Chinese Liu and authentic Japanese Drinking Tea, Eating Rice, while the Diplomat Bar hosts live jazz Mon–Sat eve. Price: B4000 and above

Four Seasons 155 Thanon Rajdamri 02 250 1000 www.fourseasons.com The stately home of Bangkok's top hotels, formerly the Regent. Afternoon tea is still served in the monumental lobby, which is adorned with magnificent, vibrant eighteenth-century-style murals depicting the Thai cosmology, and flanked by acclaimed Thai, Italian and Japanese restaurants and a steakhouse. Large and luxurious rooms are decorated in warm Thai colours and dark wood, and there's an excellent concierge service. Price: B4000 and above

Pathumwan Princess Hotel 444 Thanon Phrayathai 02 216 3700 www.pprincess.com Offering affordable luxury in a crisp, modern style, this hotel is popular with families and businesspeople. Facilities run to Korean and Italian restaurants, a large, saltwater swimming pool with hot and cold Jacuzzis, a health spa and a huge fitness club. Price: B2500-4000

Reflections 224/2–9 (between sois 18 and 20) Thanon Pradiphat 02 270 3344 www.reflections-thai.com Urban guerrilla meets kitsch at this idiosyncratic pop-art hotel, where every room was designed by a different artist. Browse the website to make your choice. The 36 rooms come in two sizes and all have air-con, a balcony or terrace, and in-room wi-fi, though few are luxurious. The location in an unfashionable neighbourhood is not great, but Chatuchak Weekend Market is only 20min away. There's a spa and art shop on site. Price: B2500-4000

Siam City Hotel 477 Thanon Sri Ayutthaya 02 247 0123 www.siamhotels.com Elegant, welcoming luxury hotel on the northern side of downtown. Choose between an "Ayutthaya" room, done out in sharp, modern Thai style, and a larger "Siam" room with a soothing, more traditional flavour. There's a spa, health club, swimming pool and a comprehensive array of restaurants including Chinese, Japanese and Italian. Price: B2500-4000

Swissôtel Nai Lert Park 2 Thanon Witthayu 02 253 0123 www.swissotel.com This welcoming, low-rise hotel is distinguished by its lushly beautiful gardens, overlooked by many of the chic and spacious, balconied bedrooms; set into the grounds are a landscaped swimming pool, tennis courts, squash court and popular spa and health club. Good deli-café, plus the cool Syn Bar and Japanese Genji restaurant. Price: B4000 and above

Ten Face81 Soi 2, Soi Ruam Rudee 02 695 4242 www.tenfacebangkok.com The name comes from Totsagan, the ten-faced demon of the Hindu Ramayana epic, and without being gimmicky, this place ingeniously combines sleek, contemporary design with striking artworks inspired by the national myth. All the rooms are spacious suites with espresso machines, free wi-fi, SIM cards and iPods, some with small kitchens; ask for a room at the back if you're worried about noise from the nearby expressway. There's a fusion restaurant, fitness centre, long, narrow "dipping" pool and shuttle service to Ploen Chit Skytrain, plus a special concierge, who DJs in the ultra-hip Sita Bar and dispenses the lowdown on Bangkok parties and happenings. Price: B4000 and above

Top ▲

Southern downtown

ETC Guest House 5/3 Soi Ngam Duphli 02 287 1477 www.etc.co.th Above a branch of the recommended travel agent of the same name, and very handy for Thanon Rama IV, though consequently a little noisy. Helpful and very clean, catering mainly to Japanese travellers. Rooms come with fans and are further cooled by air-conditioning in the corridors; hot-water bathrooms are either shared or en suite. Breakfast is included and free internet and wi-fi are available. Price: B200-350

New Road Guest House1216/1 Thanon Charoen Krung, between sois 34 and 36 02 630 6994 www.jysktravel.com Thai headquarters of Danish backpacker travel agent and tour operator, Jysk, offering a wide choice of accommodation around a courtyard off New Rd, as well as interesting canal and Thailand tours. There are ten-bunk dorms and basic bunk-bedded twins sharing bathrooms, as well as free hammocks on the roof. En-suite rooms, some with air-con and cable TV, sport attractive wooden floors, minibars, Thai decorative touches and well-equipped, hot-water bathrooms. Guests hang out in the restaurant, the sociable bar with pool table or the DVD room; internet access and free baggage storage are available, as well as showers for guests with an evening departure. Price: Under B200

Sala Thai Daily Mansion 15 Soi Saphan Khu 02 287 1436 The pick of the area, at the end of a quiet, shaded alley off Soi Saphan Khu, near Soi Sri Bamphen. A clean and efficiently run place, with bright, modern rooms with wall fans, sharing hot- and cold-water bathrooms, and a large, leafy roof garden. Good rates for single rooms. Price: B350-500

Baan Saladaeng69/2 Soi 3, Thanon Saladaeng 02 636 3038 www.baansaladaeng.com On a tiny, central alley, this chic designer guest house offers nine individually styled rooms, such as the Pop Art Mania Room and the Moroccan Suite, some with outdoor shower/bath and terrace. Air-con, rain showers, minibars, cable TV, comfy beds and free wi-fi throughout. No children. Continental breakfast included. Price: B700-1000

Intown Residence 1086/6 Thanon Charoen Krung 02 639 0960 www.tarad.com/intownbkk Clean, welcoming, rather old-fashioned and very good-value hotel sandwiched between shops on the noisy main road (ask for a room away from the street). Slightly chintzy but comfortable rooms, at the lower end of their price code, come with air-con, hot-water bathrooms, mini-bars, satellite TVs and phones. Weekly and monthly discounts available. Price: B500-700

Malaysia Hotel 54 Soi Ngam Duphli 02 679 7127 www.malaysiahotelbkk.com Once a travellers' legend famous for its compendious noticeboard, now better known for its seedy 24hr coffeeshop and massage parlour. The accommodation itself is reasonable value though: the rooms are large and have air-con, mini-bars and hot-water bathrooms; some have cable TV. There's a swimming pool (B50/day for non-guests) and internet access. Gay-friendly. Price: B500-700

Penguin House 27/23 Soi Sri Bamphen 02 679 9991 Modern block with a ground-floor café, wi-fi and large, reasonably attractive rooms above, featuring air-con, hot water, cable TV and fridges; ask for one away from the busy road. Discounted monthly rates available. Price: B700-1000

Woodlands Inn 1158/5–7 Soi 32, Thanon Charoen Krung 02 235 3894 www.woodlandsinn.org Simple but well-run hotel next to the GPO, under Indian management and popular with travellers from the subcontinent. All rooms have air-con, cable TV and hot-water bathrooms, and there's a good-value South Indian restaurant on the ground floor. Price: B500-700

YWCA 13 Thanon Sathorn Tai 02 287 3136 www.ywcabangkok.com . Reliable, low-rise accommodation for women in neat standard or spacious deluxe rooms, all with air-con and hot water. Breakfast included. Deeply discounted monthly rates. Price: B1000-1500

Bangkok Marriott Resort & Spa 257 Thanon Charoennakorn; on the Thonburi bank, but connected to Taksin Bridge (for the Skytrain and Chao Phraya express boats), 10min away, by hotel ferries every 15min 02 476 0022 www.marriott.com A luxury retreat from the frenetic city centre, well to the south on the Thonburi bank. Arrayed around a highly appealing, landscaped swimming pool, the tranquil, riverside gardens are filled with birdsong, while the stylish and spacious bedrooms come with varnished hardwood floors and balconies. There's a fitness centre, a branch of the classy Mandara Spas, and among a wide choice of eateries, a good Japanese teppanyaki house and a bakery-café. Also runs Thai cookery classes on a converted rice barge. Price: B4000 and above

Dusit Thani Hotel 946 Thanon Rama IV, on the corner of Thanon Silom 02 200 9000 www.dusit.com Elegant, centrally placed top-class hotel, geared for both business and leisure, with very high standards of service. Many of the elegant rooms enjoy views of Lumphini Park and the sleek downtown high-rises. The hotel is famous for its restaurants, including Thien Duong and the French D'Sens, which has some spectacular top-floor views. Price: B4000 and above

La Residence 173/8–9 Thanon Suriwong 02 266 5400 www.laresidencebangkok.com A small, intimate boutique hotel where the tasteful, individually decorated bedrooms – including proper single rooms at proper single rates – stretch to mini-bars, safes and cable TV. Continental breakfast included. Price: B1500-2500

Lebua1055 Thanon Silom; in part of the landmark State Tower on the corner of Thanon Charoen Krung 02 624 9999 www.lebua.com Lebua offers extravagant suites with kitchen areas, decorated in a restrained contemporary style; it's well worth paying US$40 extra for "Riverview", for the lofty vista from the balcony, over 200m above the Chao Phraya. Staff are very solicitous and there's a gym and outdoor pool on Floor 13. Outlets include Breeze, for contemporary Asian seafood, and, beneath the golden, Neoclassical dome on the top floor, Italian food at Mezzaluna and Mediterranean Sirocco, the world's highest al fresco restaurant; also up here are Sky Bar and Distil. Price: B4000 and above

Luxx 6/11 Thanon Decho 02 635 8800 www.staywithluxx.com Welcoming boutique hotel offering a good dose of contemporary style at reasonable prices. Decorated in white, grey and natural teak, the rooms feature DVD players, free wi-fi and cute wooden baths surmounted by rain showers. Breakfast included. Price: B2500-4000

Metropolitan 27 Thanon Sathorn Tai 02 625 3333 www.metropolitan.como.bz The height of chic, minimalist urban living, where the rooms are stylishly decorated in dark wood, creamy Portuguese limestone and lotus-themed contemporary artworks. There's a very seductive pool, a fine spa, a well-equipped fitness centre with a daily schedule of complimentary classes, ranging from t'ai chi to Pilates, an excellent restaurant, Cy'an, and a fiercely hip private bar. Price: B4000 and above

Montien Hotel 54 Thanon Surawongse, on the corner of Rama IV 02 233 7060 www.montien.com Grand, airy and solicitous luxury hotel, long-running and with a strongly Thai character. It retains a quaintly old-fashioned demeanour – astrologers on the mezzanine, Latin and ballroom dancing in the nightclub and live muzak in the lobby. Price: B4000 and above

Oriental Hotel 48 Oriental Avenue, off Thanon Charoen Krung 02 659 9000 www.mandarinoriental.com One of the world's best hotels, this effortlessly stylish riverside establishment boasts immaculate standards of service (1200 staff to around 400 rooms, and a neat little trick with matchsticks so they can make up your room every time you're out). It's long outgrown the original premises, an atmospheric, colonial-style wooden building, now dubbed the Authors' Wing – many famous scribes have stayed here, including Joseph Conrad and Graham Greene. Also famous for its Thai cookery classes. Price: B4000 and above

Peninsula Bangkok 333 Thanon Charoennakorn, Klongsan; on the Thonburi bank, with shuttle boats across to a reception area by the Shangri-La Hotel off Thanon Charoen Krung and down to Taksin Bridge 02 861 2888 www.peninsula.com Superb top-class hotel to rival the Oriental across the river. Service is flawless, the ultra-luxurious decor stylishly blends traditional Western and Asian design, and every room has a panoramic view of the Chao Phraya. The lovely riverside gardens shelter a three-tiered pool, a beautiful spa run by ESPA, a fitness centre and tennis courts. Price: B4000 and above

Rose Hotel 118 Thanon Suriwong 02 266 8268 www.rosehotelbkk.com Set back from the main road but very handy for the city's nightlife, this thirty-year-old hotel has been cleverly refurbished: the compact rooms (all with bathtubs) now boast a simple but stylish, retro look, in keeping with the age of the place. Suites and the ground-floor public rooms, where continental breakfast (included in the price) is served, are more elegant again, and there's a beautiful, new swimming pool at the back. Frequent discounts. Price: B1500-2500

Sofitel Silom 188 Thanon Silom 02 238 1991 www.sofitel.com Towards the quieter end of Thanon Silom, a clever renovation combines contemporary Asian artworks and furnishings with understated French elegance. A wine bar and Mediterranean, Japanese and rooftop Chinese restaurants, as well as a fitness club and small pool, complete the picture. Price: B4000 and above

Sukhothai 13/3 Thanon Sathorn Tai 02 344 8888 www.sukhothai.com The most elegant of Bangkok's top hotels, its decor inspired by the walled city of Sukhothai: low-rise accommodation, as well as a beautiful garden spa, all coolly furnished in silks, teak and granite. Service is of the highest standard and the architecture makes the most of the views of the surrounding six acres of gardens, lotus ponds and pools dotted with statuary. Health club, 25-metre infinity pool, squash and tennis courts, and excellent restaurants including the Thai Celadon. Price: B4000 and above

Swiss Lodge 3 Thanon Convent 02 233 5345 www.swisslodge.com Swish, friendly, good-value, boutique hotel, with high standards of service, just off Thanon Silom and ideally placed for business and nightlife. The tiny terrace swimming pool confirms the national stereotypes of neatness and clever design, while the Three on Convent restaurant branches out into North Californian wine-country cuisine. Price: B2500-4000

Top ▲

Thanon Sukhumvit

Amari Boulevard Hotel Soi 5 02 255 2930 www.amari.com Rooms in the deluxe category and above at this long-running but modernised four-star tourist hotel enjoy fine views of the Bangkok skyline and have either wi-fi or broadband. The attractive sixth-floor rooftop swimming pool and garden terrace becomes the Thai-food restaurant Season in the evenings. Price: B2500-4000

The Atlanta At the far southern end of Soi 2 02 252 1650 www.theatlantahotel.bizland.com A Bangkok institution, this classic, five-storey budget hotel was built in 1952 around a famously photogenic Art Deco-style lobby and continues to emphasize an old-fashioned hospitality ("Bangkok's bastion of wholesome tourism"). It offers some of the cheapest accommodation on Sukhumvit: rooms are simple and some are pretty scruffy, though they are all en suite and some have air-con while others have small balconies. There's a swimming pool, wi-fi and internet access and a left-luggage facility. The hotel restaurant serves an extensive Thai menu, including lots of vegetarian dishes, and shows classic movies set in Asia. Price: B500-700

Grand Business Inn 2/4-2/11 Soi 11 02 254 7981 www.grandbusinessinn.net Popular, good-value mid-range hotel offering 127 large, comfortable, standard-issue air-con rooms, all with bathtubs, cable TV and broadband access. In a very central location just a few metres from BTS Nana. Advance reservations essential. Price: B1500-2500

Imm Fusion1594/50 Thanon Sukhumvit, 30m walk west along Thanon Sukhumvit from BTS On Nut, exit 2, beyond Soi 50 02 331 5555 www.immhotel.com Step through the entrance of this attractive and welcoming mid-range hotel and you're in another world, a Moroccan themed one done out in rich earthy colours, wrought ironwork, pretty tiles and plenty of Moorish arches. Rooms are comfortable and equally tasteful, and come with air-con, TV, safety box and wi-fi. There's a gorgeous indoor pool, spa and restaurant and the staff are charming. Price: B1000-1500

PS Guesthouse26/1 Soi 8 02 255 2309psguesthouse@hotmail.com This small, calm, friendly guesthouse offers huge, airy, very well-equipped rooms, each with air-con, TV, safety box, fridge, free tea and coffee and refreshingly green, plant-screened balconies. Pay a little extra for in-room kitchen facilities. Complimentary wi-fi in the lobby and some rooms. Price: B700-1000

Rex Hotel Between sois 32 and 34 02 259 0106 02 258 6635 The best value accommodation close to the Eastern Bus Terminal (one stop on the BTS), this old-fashioned but attractively refurbished hotel is comfortable and run with an old-world graciousness. A rooftop pool and a restaurant complement the spacious air-con rooms and rates include breakfast. Price: B700-1000

Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit Between sois 12 and 14 02 649 8888 www.sheratongrandesukhumvit.com Deluxe accommodation in large, stylishly understated rooms, all of which offer fine views of the cityscape. Facilities include a gorgeous free-form swimming pool and tropical garden on the ninth floor, a spa, the trendy Basil Thai restaurant) and the Living Room bar, which is famous for its jazz singers. Price: B4000 and above

Suk 11 Behind the 7-11 store at 1/3 Soi 11 02 253 5927 www.suk11.com One of the most unusual little hotels in Bangkok, this is also the most backpacker-orientated guest house in the area. The interior of the apparently ordinary apartment-style building has been transformed to resemble a village of traditional wooden houses, accessed by a dimly lit plankway that winds past a variety of guest rooms, terraces and lounging areas. The rooms themselves are simple but comfortable, they're all air-conditioned and some are en suite. B250 beds in five-person air-con dorms are also available. It's well run and thoughtfully appointed, keeps informative noticeboards, provides free breakfast, has wi-fi and washing machines, stores left luggage (B20/day), and accepts advance reservations via the website. Price: B500-700


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