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Musiques du Vietnam

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Musiques du Vietnam Empty Musiques du Vietnam

Message  Admin Jeu 8 Avr 2010 - 6:22

Minh Long / Propravda 2010

Get the Groove - a video clip inspired by movement and desire, and of course the funky beats of 6789, Việt Nam's upcoming funk/rock/reggae fusion group. One soulful team of creative minds, one city, one trip to the seashore, and one clip dedicated to the efforts of all the artists working to shape an original, unique movement of talent and vision in modern Việt Nam. This video is about love - searching, finding, losing and living. The inner demons that chase us all, the warmth and happiness we find with friends and the power of young people working together in Việt Nam to build a new art/music scene. The result of an international collaborative effort between a Russian filmmaker and an American anthropologist, inspired by the music of a group hailing from Vietnam, China and the Philippines. Striving to capture the spirit and soul of Hồ Chí Minh City and the contemporary culture of Việt Nam, this video is a story of struggle, failure and hard-won success. A squid-like undulation of colors and images meant to portray the beauty, people, experience and one-of-a-kind vibe of the growing city of Sài Gòn and its neighboring seaside towns. Hardship and joy, loss and discovery, and, in the end, the magic of a kiss. We hope this clip will inspire you also to follow your dreams and your passion, never give up, and remember friendship and love can always prevail.

Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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