l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
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l'esprit voyageur en asie du sud-est :: médiathèque sur l'asie du sud-est :: L'espace vidéos, cinémas, musiques
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l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
clips depicting life of a family from the 1940s through to the 1960s, of their home in Bangkok, Pattaya, and Hua Hin. Including the King of Thailands Royal Barge
thanaka- Admin
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Messages : 2606
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Re: l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
Thailande 1948
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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Re: l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
Angkor, 1930
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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Re: l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
Amateur documentary footage filmed by a British man who rescued hundreds of people during the Second World War using a herd of elephants has been published by Cambridge University.
Gyles Mackrell, nicknamed the Elephant Man, saved more than 200 Burmese fleeing the Japanese invasion in 1942 using elephants from his tea-planting business in an operation dubbed a "Far Eastern Dunkirk".
Thousands of evacuees, many of them wounded, sick and starving, had trekked for miles through the jungle, becoming trapped when monsoon rains flooded the Dapha river on the Indian border.
After receiving an SOS call from one group of refugees, Mackrell gathered the elephants, which he used in his work on the tea plantation, and set up camp on the river bank.
In the weeks that followed, his team brought hundreds of men, women and children to safety across the water on elephants.
Dr Kevin Greenbank, an archivist at the Centre of South Asian Studies, said: ''The story is a sort of Far Eastern Dunkirk, but it has largely been forgotten about since the war.
''Without the help of Mackrell and others like him, hundreds of people fleeing the Japanese advance would quite simply never have made it.''
Mackrell, who worked at the Steel Brothers tea plantation in Assam, India, was awarded the George Medal in recognition of his rescue operation.
He died in 1959 after retiring to Suffolk.
University of Cambridge researchers hope that the new documents will draw fresh attention to his career.
Source http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/world-war-2/8102500/Rare-footage-of-Elephant-Man-of-Burma-released.html
photos ----> http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/wwii-elephant-man-rescue-revealed-on-film-2122153.html?action=Gallery
thanaka- Admin
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Messages : 2606
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Re: l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
Amateur home movie. Various shots of the areas around Rangoon, Burma, Asia. British honeymooners reach Burma in 1930
Scenes at the Shwe Dagon Pagoda on Water Festival morning. People waiting. Shot of top of Pagoda above the trees. Buddhist monk with parked cars in background. Indian children posing for camera. Kokine Lakes in Burma. Four European adults standing and posing for the camera. Woman is offered cigarette which she accepts. They look wealthy and happy. Woman swimming. Men and women walk towards camera dressed in swimwear of the 1930s. En route to Hwawbi Bazaar. A busy market / bazaar. Children putting baskets on their heads. Man smoking, looking at camera while carrying things on a stick over his shoulder. Lots of children standing in a line. Indian woman smoking an enormous cigarette while sitting on the floor. Europeans eating sandwiches while standing next to car. Burmese man with bow. Males of a Burmese family standing in height order. Girls preparing food around a bowl. Band playing drums while a man dances in a traditional way before them. Young women, medium close-up of man's face (damaged). Musicians performing again and the man is still dancing. Mrs Stockland edges into shot. Washing drying on a line. Shiny British car in Burmese village. English man and woman talk. Kemmendine: elephant attempting to pull an enormous teak log to which it is attached by chains. The man riding it kicks and hits it in order to get it to do the things required of it. Man in pith helmets and white suits walk towards the camera. Woman in white dress. Enormous amount of baggage on carts being taken away from hotel. SS Leicestershire moored in harbour. Sampan being rowed by native male as European man sits under umbrella. Europeans on the SS Leicestershire (shot from on board the ship.) Shots of Colombo, Ceylon harbour: large ships with masts. Street scenes of Colombo: cars, bicycles, a ladder being pushed along road, a large wagon crossing road, a tram with people boarding. A policeman directing traffic.
Scenes at the Shwe Dagon Pagoda on Water Festival morning. People waiting. Shot of top of Pagoda above the trees. Buddhist monk with parked cars in background. Indian children posing for camera. Kokine Lakes in Burma. Four European adults standing and posing for the camera. Woman is offered cigarette which she accepts. They look wealthy and happy. Woman swimming. Men and women walk towards camera dressed in swimwear of the 1930s. En route to Hwawbi Bazaar. A busy market / bazaar. Children putting baskets on their heads. Man smoking, looking at camera while carrying things on a stick over his shoulder. Lots of children standing in a line. Indian woman smoking an enormous cigarette while sitting on the floor. Europeans eating sandwiches while standing next to car. Burmese man with bow. Males of a Burmese family standing in height order. Girls preparing food around a bowl. Band playing drums while a man dances in a traditional way before them. Young women, medium close-up of man's face (damaged). Musicians performing again and the man is still dancing. Mrs Stockland edges into shot. Washing drying on a line. Shiny British car in Burmese village. English man and woman talk. Kemmendine: elephant attempting to pull an enormous teak log to which it is attached by chains. The man riding it kicks and hits it in order to get it to do the things required of it. Man in pith helmets and white suits walk towards the camera. Woman in white dress. Enormous amount of baggage on carts being taken away from hotel. SS Leicestershire moored in harbour. Sampan being rowed by native male as European man sits under umbrella. Europeans on the SS Leicestershire (shot from on board the ship.) Shots of Colombo, Ceylon harbour: large ships with masts. Street scenes of Colombo: cars, bicycles, a ladder being pushed along road, a large wagon crossing road, a tram with people boarding. A policeman directing traffic.
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- Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Re: l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
A kecak performance by Pak Reno, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. Stills © Matthew Oldfield Photography.com
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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Re: l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
The opening scene from the 1980 BBC documentary "Soul of a Nation" on the Thai monarchy
Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej discusses the 1946 shooting of his brother Ananda Mahidol in this clip from the 1980 BBC documentary "Soul of a Nation
Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Sirikit Kitiyakara discuss the monarchy in this clip from the 1980 BBC documentary "Soul of a Nation".
Admin- Admin
- Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Re: l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
The 1980 BBC documentary "Soul of a Nation" (filmed in 1979) discusses Bangkok
Admin- Admin
- Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Cruise to and thru Burma 50 years ago
8mm film of a German couple to Myanmar in the early sixties taken on 8mm film - silent. I have added a soundtrack myself. Actually I have not been able to find out where in Myanmar the film was taken and when. In a few days I'll add part 2 a Burmese water festival.
Admin- Admin
- Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Re: l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
An old educative 16mm film introduces the capital of Thailand in the sixties.
Admin- Admin
- Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Re: l'asie du sud-est en noir & blanc
The final part of the 8mm travelogie of a German couple's voyage to Myanmar around 1963. I have added a soundtrack myself. I have no idea where the festival was held. Rangoon/Yangon. The festval is held at new year according to the luni-solar Burmese calender.
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- Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
Aventure en Indochine 1946-1954
C’est l’histoire d’un jeune homme qui étouffe dans la France des lendemains de la Libération. Parce qu’il a souvent rêvé devant la carte de l’empire, il s’embarque pour l’Extrême-Orient. Cinq semaines à bord d’un paquebot reconverti en transport de troupes, le temps d’observer les autres passagers : employés, missionnaires, soldats. Ces silhouettes, il les croque avec gourmandise (les illustrations sont de Jérémie Gasparutto), et noircit son premier carnet de notes.
L’Indochine a connu quatre années d’occupation japonaise. Le Blanc, pour la première fois soumis au Jaune, a perdu la face. Le jeune Français découvre Saigon, son odeur, ses charmes. Il trouve un job dans l’import-export, les affaires ont repris, l’argent de la guerre se déverse. Mais il ne tarde pas à se lasser de cette ambiance festive et artificielle. Un médecin opiomane lui parle des provinces du Nord, des Méos, le « peuple des nuages ». “Allez-y, partez. Ne laissez pas votre vie se dérouler sans vous.” Jean démissionne.
Son voyage va le mener à pied, à cheval, en train, en sampan, en camion, de la frontière de la Chine à la frontière de la Birmanie, et du Tonkin jusqu’à la Thaïlande. Pour vivre, il récoltera l’opium, déchargera les balles de coton, deviendra un de ces innombrables « petits Blancs » de la colonie. Si éloignés des aristocrates de la banque et de l’import-export. Une guerre a débuté. Elle durera neuf ans, au bout desquels le ciel tombera sur la tête des Français d’Indochine. Mais pour l’heure, un halo de mystère enveloppe cette guerre de commandos, d’espionnage, d’intérêts mêlés.
Jean sillonne le pays, pose des questions, tente de comprendre les indigènes et les colons. Engagé dans une plantation d’hévéas comme contremaître, il fait la connaissance de Mike, un pilote qui livre des marchandises illicites à travers toute la Péninsule. Mike lui fait connaître Angkor, les danseuses de pierre et celles du ballet royal du prince Norodom Sihanouk. Puis c’est la frontière chinoise, où les troupes nationalistes de Tchang Kaïchek refluent, Hanoi émergeant de sa léthargie, le Mékong remonté en chaloupe jusqu’à Vientiane, la rencontre avec le modèle du « Crabetambour », un officier de la Royale qui sillonne les rivières et les arroyos à la façon d’un corsaire, pourchassant les jonques de contrebandiers d’opium et de trafiquants d’armes. Au cours d’un séjour dans le delta, il entend parler de Suzanne, une femme qui ressemble étrangement à l’héroïne durassienne de « Barrage contre le Pacifique », dont la concession inondable a été engloutie par une crue du Mékong. Fleuve sur lequel il s’aventure une nouvelle fois, alors que le conflit a pris de l’ampleur, vers les régions inamicales du Nord.
Jean est toujours en quête des Méos, les fiers partisans des montagnes, mais aussi d’un certain Bertrand dont on a perdu la trace. A mesure qu’il remonte le Mékong, avec l’espoir de retrouver le mythique capitaine, et qu’il longe en silence des villages défendus par des pieux couronnés de têtes de serpent, le jeune homme ne peut s’empêcher de songer à un autre fleuve, dont Joseph Conrad a peint les ténébreux sortilèges de façon mémorable.
Si le film de Patrick Jeudy est une telle réussite, c’est qu’il dépasse le documentaire et mêle intimement fiction et (somptueuses) images d’archives. Le personnage du héros s’inspire de l’écrivain Jean Hougron, à qui ses années indochinoises ont inspiré un cycle romanesque. Un monde s’enfonce dans la guerre comme dans une sorte d’oubli, et nous assistons à son crépuscule.
Eric de Saint-Angel
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- Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009
l'esprit voyageur en asie du sud-est :: médiathèque sur l'asie du sud-est :: L'espace vidéos, cinémas, musiques
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