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Réfugiés Birmans au Japon

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Réfugiés Birmans au Japon Empty Réfugiés Birmans au Japon

Message  Admin Mer 13 Oct 2010 - 7:13

Japan has become the first Asian country to accept refugees from Myanmar. 27 ethnic Karen people who have been living in a refugee camp in Thailand for more than 10 years arrived in Japan in September.
The intake of refugees has caused heated debate in Japan. Considered a homogeneous society the Japanese people and Government have long held policies and views that discriminate against foreigners.
10,000 Myanmar refugees live in Japan but have no right to health care, employment, education or Japanese citizenship. They are frustrated that even after escaping from their own country they continue to live in poverty with their refugee status hanging in limbo.

Aljazeeera's Steve Chao reports from Tokyo.

Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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