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Cambodge - Sur le Tonle Sap

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Cambodge - Sur le Tonle Sap Empty Cambodge - Sur le Tonle Sap

Message  Admin Sam 23 Oct 2010 - 22:20

This is the first piece of several sequences that will be posted on the blog of LAND/WATER/RAIN. It follows a day in the life of Sari, a precocious and spirited young boy living in a small floating village in Kampong Chhnang province in Cambodia.


In Cambodia, the river of life flows in a perpetual cycle of death and rebirth, of creation and destruction, of drought and rain, of pain and prosperity. Moving south along the Mekong, north up the Tonle Sap and south again, the river stretch endlessly out into the unknown sea, yet always returns to the heart of the country, throbbing in its silence and cooling in its offerings of fish and plenty.

But as Cambodia moves forward, partially constructed skyscrapers looming in the horizon, and the fever to develop and keep pace with its competitors demanding increasing power and energy, this natural cycle of Cambodian life threatens to be disturbed.

Traversing downstream along the Mekong River and then upstream again to the Tonle Sap River, LAND/WATER/RAIN will chart the course of Cambodia’s rapid drive towards development and prosperity in the region and the inescapable consequences of this growth.

Through intimate stories of the indigenous and disappearing people living in the Northeastern jungles of Cambodia, of fishermen struggling to survive along the Tonle Sap and Mekong Rivers, and young women fleeing their homes to work in garment factories, LAND/WATER/RAIN will trace a remarkable, unprecedented, and connected story of a country faced with the difficulties of balancing the perpetual cycle of creation and destruction.

le blog http://land-water-rain.blogspot.com/

Cambodge - Sur le Tonle Sap Screen43

Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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Cambodge - Sur le Tonle Sap Empty Re: Cambodge - Sur le Tonle Sap

Message  Admin Mer 30 Oct 2013 - 8:02

Au Cambodge, pendant la mousson, les pêcheurs du lac Tonlé Sap capturent près de 50 000 serpents aquatiques par jour..
À l'époque de la mousson, les eaux du Tonlé Sap, le plus grand lac d'eau douce d'Asie du Sud-Est, inondent les forêts et les champs avoisinants. C'est le moment où les pêcheurs cambodgiens quittent leurs villages flottants pour chasser, à l'aide de filets dérivants, des serpents aquatiques qui vivent par milliers dans les marécages. Chaque année, ils en capturent jusqu'à sept millions qui sont ensuite jetés en pâture aux crocodiles dans les fermes d'élevage. Du coup, de nombreuses sous-espèces de serpents sont en voie d'extinction. 360° - GÉO a suivi une famille qui, des jours durant, traque les serpents dans les marais.

Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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