l'esprit voyageur en asie du sud-est
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La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est

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La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est Empty La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est

Message  thanaka Mer 9 Sep 2009 - 8:47

Dernière édition par flipflop le Sam 21 Nov 2009 - 11:32, édité 1 fois

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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est Empty Re: La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est

Message  thanaka Dim 22 Nov 2009 - 8:48


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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est Empty Re: La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est

Message  thanaka Lun 23 Nov 2009 - 8:55


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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est Empty Re: La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est

Message  asiaonly Ven 4 Fév 2011 - 19:49


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Date d'inscription : 01/06/2009

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La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est Empty Re: La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est

Message  Admin Mar 26 Juil 2011 - 9:30

Dernière édition par Admin le Dim 12 Fév 2012 - 0:26, édité 1 fois

Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est Empty Re: La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est

Message  Admin Dim 18 Sep 2011 - 6:14


Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est Empty Thai Street Food Menu in Bangkok

Message  Admin Ven 20 Jan 2012 - 11:38


Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est Empty Re: La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est

Message  Admin Mar 7 Fév 2012 - 4:42

Today I head to a local market in Bangkok, Thailand to eat an authentic and man-ly Thai breakfast dish known as Kai Luak (ไข่ลวก) - a soft boiled egg served as a shot.

It is served slimy and juicy, you add a dash of pepper and take the shot. I would recommend washing it down with a sip of Thai style breakfast coffee.

I also dig into Thai style donuts known as Patongo (ปาท่องโก๋). These little pillows of dough are deep fried in little "X" shapes. They are super crunchy on the outside and wonderfully soft and fluffy on the inside. Some people eat them plain while others dip them into "sang kaya" sauce.

There are not many distinguishable Thai breakfast dishes, if you are in the mood for rice and curry or rice and stir fried Thai food, you won't have a problem locating them. But Kai Luak (ไข่ลวก) and Patongo (ปาท่องโก๋) are two uniquely Thai breakfast dishes that you can find on the streets of Bangkok and throughout the country.

When you are in Thailand, don't forget to sample some Thai breakfast foods as well:
http://www.eatingthaifood.com/2012/01/thai-breakfast-food-dishes/ study

Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est Empty Re: La cuisine en Asie du Sud-Est

Message  Admin Dim 12 Fév 2012 - 0:24

Burmese cuisine is simply delicious - an intricate blend of tastes and dishes influenced in part by Indian and Chinese cuisine, but uniquely and traditionally Burmese.

When I was in Yangon, I was able to sample quite a few amazing tasting foods including rice and curry, seafood, and a lot delicious mixed salads.

When I stumbled into this Myanmar community in Bangkok's Phra Khanong district, I knew I was in for some more authentic and delicious Burmese cuisine!

Mona is the owner and chef of this little hole in the wall Burmese restaurant in Bangkok, and she cooks up some flavors of Burma that are out of control good! As you can tell from the video, the owner is not only an outstanding Burmese food cook, but she also has an enthusiastic and friendly personality.

The first dish we ordered was Laphet Thohk, a famous Burmese green tea leaf salad. It was excellent - a lovely array of pickled tea leaves, fried chickpeas and lots of fresh chillies and garlic.

We then ordered Tohpu Thohk, a Burmese tofu salad made with daal lentils. It was dressed in a sweet soy sauce like dressing and topped with a few fragrant herbs.

Although Mona does serve Burmese mohinga noodle soup, we opted for the dry noodles called Khao Swè Thohk. It showed up in all its glory, a bowl full of rice noodles covered in chicken and herbs and dressed with a little chili oil sauce.

Burmese cuisine and all their dishes are delicious!

Reportage complet ici ----> http://migrationology.com/2012/01/burmese-street-food-in-bangkok-with-a-touch-of-motherly-love/ study

Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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