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Film Bordeland, frontière Thai-Birmane

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Film Bordeland, frontière Thai-Birmane  Empty Film Bordeland, frontière Thai-Birmane

Message  Admin Sam 25 Sep 2010 - 6:25

Hope, dreams and faith are the only things Law Eh Tew, Armstrong and Hardy have left in the Burmese refugee camp "Mae La Oon" situated in the vast Thai jungle. They fled from genocide and war, but are now isolated in a prison with green walls. They all long for freedom in different ways but the prospects of resettlement or liberty are slowly fading as the Burmese conflict drags on.

This short film of images by Rob Few portrays the vulnerability of migrant communities living in Southeast Asia. The film was debuted at the Asia-Pacific regional launch of the IFRC 2012 World Disasters Report in Bangkok.
Rob Few is a freelance photojournalist based in Thailand. His clients include UN agencies, international NGOs and media outlets. He is available for assignments globally. His work can be seen here: www.robfew.com

Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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Film Bordeland, frontière Thai-Birmane  Empty Re: Film Bordeland, frontière Thai-Birmane

Message  Admin Dim 27 Jan 2013 - 10:10

Land mines problem on the thai-myanmar border. story shot for CCTV

Messages : 4881
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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Film Bordeland, frontière Thai-Birmane  Empty Re: Film Bordeland, frontière Thai-Birmane

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