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La Birmanie, à savoir ...

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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty Re: La Birmanie, à savoir ...

Message  Admin Ven 14 Sep 2012 - 6:54

Louer un 2 roues à Mandalay http://www.mandalaymotorbike.blogspot.fr/ La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 856278

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Message  Admin Mer 19 Sep 2012 - 8:43


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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty Magazine GEO - Spécial Birmanie (novembre 2012)

Message  Admin Jeu 1 Nov 2012 - 7:18

La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Screen88

Au sommaire du nouveau GEO, un dossier spécial Birmanie, voyage dans un pays qui sort de la nuit.

À découvrir dans le GEO n°405 (novembre 2012) :

LE MONDE QUI CHANGE - Un Chinois pollue autant qu’un Européen.

LES HÉROS D’AUJOURD’HUI - Marc Parent fabrique de l’eau potable avec du vent.

LE GOÛT DE GEO - Thanksgiving, par la grâce des Indiens.

ÉVASION - La Birmanie sort de la nuit
Après un demi-siècle de dictature, le pays goûte enfin à la liberté. La métamorphose est en cours.

MODES DE VIE - On achève bien les requins
Le squale, au menu des banquets chinois, est décimé par une pêche cruelle. Et sans frontières.

La technologie au secours de l’Amazonie - Google, Twitter et un GPS : l’arsenal des Indiens Suruí pour lutter contre la déforestation.
Faut-il avoir peur du gaz de schiste ?

L’usine, machine à touristes - Volkswagen, Leica… Les fleurons industriels allemands se sont transformés en centres de loisirs.

Québec - Les Québécois nous dévoilent leur ville.

Razzia russe sur la banquise - La Russie part à la conquête de l’océan Arctique et de ses réserves colossales d’hydrocarbures.

LE MONDE EN CARTES - Qui sont les Américains les plus heureux ?

La Normandie - Notre panorama mensuel des pépites du terroir.


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Message  Admin Lun 5 Nov 2012 - 14:05

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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty al you need to know when travelling to Myanmar (Burma)

Message  Admin Mar 27 Nov 2012 - 17:45


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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty MasterCard marks first ATM transaction in Myanmar

Message  Admin Jeu 29 Nov 2012 - 11:18

La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Cb-ban10

Mastercard holders visiting Myanmar can use their debit and credit cards to withdraw cash from Co-operative Bank automatic teller machines in the country following the launch of services on Thursday, November 15.

The first withdrawal was made from an ATM at CB bank’s headquarters at the corner of 23rd Street and Strand Road in Yangon.

Myanmar’s first ATM allowed since the banking crisis in 2003 was installed at the same location in November 2011.

Initially services will be limited to debit cards. The bank will later offer credit cards based on customer feedback, if the Central Bank permits, he said.

In September MasterCard Worldwide became the first international payments networks to issue a licence to a Myanmar bank, paving the way for branded cards to be issued and accepted in Myanmar.

Mr Antonio Sebastian Corró, MasterCard country manager and chief representative for Indochina, said tourists and business travellers with a MasterCard-, Maestro- or Cirrus-branded card could use them to withdraw kyat from 36 Co-operative Bank ATMs nationally, including two at Yangon International Airport.

“Today is an historic event for Myanmar and CB bank,” he said.

“Today is a first for CB bank … [whose] ATMs can accept MasterCard-, Maestro- and Cirrus-branded cards. This is very important for Myanmar … [and] will boost the tourism sector because they [tourists] don’t have to bring their cash.

They can go to any of CB bank’s 36 ATMs and be able to withdraw local currency,” Mr Corro told The Myanmar Times at a press conference at CB bank’s headquarters.

“According to my understanding, the CB bank management will install more ATMs before the end of this year. Obviously they will be placed in the location where most tourists go, such as Mandalay and Bagan. As of today, all the CB bank’s ATMS are accepting MasterCard withdrawals,” he added.

Mr Corró said CB bank is one of the most established commercial banks in Myanmar, with the largest ATM network, which is why MasterCard had chosen to work with the company.

“We also working with other banks but CB bank is the first to be licensed by any international brand. … I’m quite confident with them and I definitely believed in our partnership with them… and they have been working very hard in the past few months to make sure this happened,” he said.

He said MasterCard is also discussing possible partnerships with other private banks but would not disclose the names.

“We are talking with a few private banks. Hopefully we will be able to make some more announcements in the near future,” he said.

He said Myanmar’s banking sector was developing in the right direction.

“There will be a lot of changes in Myanmar’s banking sector. I think the Central Bank is working hard to coordinate what’s happening.

“And with the passing of the Foreign Investment Law, I am sure there will be strategic partners coming in soon … So I am quite confident that the banking sector is moving in the right direction.”

U Kyaw Lynn, CB bank executive chairman and chief executive officer, said the launch was an important step forward and coincides with the 20th anniversary of the bank’s founding.

“This is indeed an historic milestone for our country, CB bank and MasterCard. We are glad to be able to contribute to the economic development of Myanmar by pioneering the move to a global payments system,” said U Kyaw Lynn.

“Enabling the first international transaction at CB bank’s ATMs, opens up opportunities for business, retail and tourism for our country. The hotel and tourism industry will especially benefit from this service.

“We are expecting a large influx of foreign visitors during the Southeast Asia Games scheduled in December next year. The ability to use MasterCard at point-of-sales (POS) terminals is expected to be available within four months. And we expect to issue MasterCards for Myanmar citizens within a year,” he added.

Master Card has been working with CB bank since August, said CB bank managing director U Pe Myint.

“Even though we expected both MasterCard and Visa to start in January, arrangements went quickly,” he said ahead of the November 15 press conference.

Bank sources say domestic banks are trying to set up new ATMs and open more branches this year with Central Bank permission.

CB wants to expand from its current total of 28 branches to up to 42 next fiscal year, and will install at least 30 more ATMs, U Pe Myint said.

As a first stage, the bank will provide services for foreigners.

Over the next six months, point-of-sale programs will begin in hotels, shopping centres and restaurants, and in late 2013, a credit card service for Myanmar citizens who want to use foreign banks will open, he said.

“There’s no urgent need to offer MasterCard services to Myanmar citizens because they can use the Myanmar Payment Union MPU card,” he said.

“Myanmar has to offer whatever services other ASEAN countries provide, so the government is trying to provide the facilities so as not to be left behind,” he said, adding that visitors were expected to come to Myanmar in increasing numbers.

In early 2013, CB bank is planning to offer China Union Payment services and Visa card services, along with Kanbawza and Myanmar Oriental banks.


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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty Burmese teashops

Message  Admin Jeu 27 Déc 2012 - 8:40


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Message  Admin Sam 5 Jan 2013 - 10:20

De jeunes birmans s’enduisent d’huile de moteur et jouent avec une noix de coco à l’occasion de la
célébration du 65e anniversaire de l’indépendance du pays. (AFP)

La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 01-gal10

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Message  Admin Sam 26 Jan 2013 - 8:40

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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty Business visa

Message  Admin Dim 10 Fév 2013 - 8:16

Visa-on-arrival is now available for citizens of 48 countries after the government expanded the visa scheme for 22 more countries last week.

Business visa, entry visa, and transit visa have been available at the Yangon International Airport since last June and at the Mandalay International Airport since last November.

Than Win, the officer-in-charge of the Mandalay International Airport said most of the European countries were among the 22 additional countries, including Belgium, Finland, Austria, and Israel.

According to him, the visas-on-arrival program will allow better business opportunities in the country and have more foreign investment.

After visa-on-arrivals were granted to the additional 22 countries on February 1, the Mandalay International Airport has received 70 visitors within five days.

Visas on arrival are only granted to travelers with the necessary documents, including a letter of invitation from their sponsoring company
. A 70-day business via costs US$50, a 28-day entry visa for meetings, workshops or events is $40, and a 24-hour transit visa is $20.

Source birmane 11

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Message  Admin Mer 13 Fév 2013 - 7:30


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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty Petit rappel - Obtenir son visa Birman à Bangkok

Message  Admin Lun 18 Fév 2013 - 8:19


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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty Old Arakan city to reopen for tour destination

Message  Admin Dim 24 Fév 2013 - 7:29

Myauk U, also known as Mrauk U, the old city of Rakhine State is supposed to reopen its doors to visitors soon, the Deputy Minister of Hotels and Tourism Tin Shwe said at the Lower House on February 21.

Myauk U is expressed as the Ancient Arakan King’s Capital and the cultural heritage zone in Myanmar, comprising thousands of Buddha stupas, temples and pagodas.

According to Tin Shwe, Myauk U has been regarded as the tourist destination. Unfortunately, it was temporarily closed once from August 30 to September 25, 2012 due to the crisis and closed again in late 2012 for the next time crisis in the region.

However, 140 international tourists have gone around the city without permission in January 30, 2013. The ministry had some high rank officials guarded those tourists for their safety. Moreover, the ministry took such event just as the record.

The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism has allowed tour agencies for itinerary programs since early months of 2008 in accordance with the permission of Ministry of Home Affairs.

The Ngapeli Beach in Thantwe Township, Waitharli old city in Myauk U Township and the Mahamuni Buddha in Kyaut Taw Township are the main tour destinations in Rakhine State.

Source birmane 11

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Message  Admin Mer 6 Mar 2013 - 10:16


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Message  Admin Mar 26 Mar 2013 - 9:07


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Message  Admin Sam 6 Avr 2013 - 16:39


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Message  Admin Mer 24 Avr 2013 - 3:08

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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty Immigration (Thailande/Birmanie) — Nouveau poste frontière à 300 kilomètres de Bangkok

Message  Admin Mer 8 Mai 2013 - 11:15

Le 8 mai marque l’ouverture permanente du poste frontière de Singkhon à une centaine de kilomètres de Hua Hin et 300 kilomètres de Bangkok dans la province de Prachuap Khiri Khan.
Finalement le poste-frontière de Singkhon accède au statut de point de contrôle permanent. Il est situé à environ 115 kilomètres à l’ouest de Hua Hin et permet d’accéder du côté birman à la ville de Myeik (ou Mergui) sur le littoral de la mer d’Andaman. Jusqu’en 1689 une garnison française séjourna dans ce port aujourd’hui birman qui représentait un point d’accès en Asie du Sud est pour les Européens avides de commercer avec le royaume siamois d’Ayutthaya. Le roi du Siam nomma même le Chevalier de Beauregard gouverneur de cette ville portuaire qui fait face à un archipel de quelque 800 iles prisées par les amateurs de plongée sous-marine.

Ce nouveau poste frontière constitue également " une bonne nouvelle " pour les expatriés selon le forum Thaï Visa qui bouillonne déjà de questions posées en ligne par des résidents toujours anxieux de remettre à zéro le compteur de leur visa ou exemption de visa en franchissant une frontière thaïlandaise pour quelques heures, voire quelques minutes. Situé à 300 kilomètres de Bangkok, il n’est guère plus éloigné de la capitale que le point de contrôle d’Aranyappathet à la frontière cambodgienne fréquemment usité par les sociétés spécialisées qui proposent des voyages express voués à renouveler des titres de séjours.
Cette ouverture du poste frontière de Singkhon a été approuvée par la chef du gouvernement thaïlandais Yingluck Shinawatra et le président birman Thein Sein le 25 avril dernier à l’occasion du sommet de l’Association des nations de l’Asie du Sud organisé dans le sultanat de Brunei. Deux autres points de contrôle internationaux sont promis au même statut permanent. C’est cette fois la province de Kanchanaburi qui s’ouvrira un peu plus vers la Birmanie. L’un de ces points de passage est situé au fameux col des Trois Pagodes, après avoir dépassé la ville de Sangkhlaburi, l’autre dans le canton de Ban Nam Phu Ron en empruntant la route AH 123 qui a été élargie et dotée d’un nouveau revêtement.


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Message  Admin Dim 12 Mai 2013 - 1:31


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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty Dormir chez l’habitant en Birmanie: impossible?

Message  Admin Ven 12 Juil 2013 - 15:12


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Message  Admin Ven 23 Aoû 2013 - 16:49


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La Birmanie, à savoir ... - Page 5 Empty galerie d'art à Rangoon

Message  Admin Sam 24 Aoû 2013 - 9:40


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Message  Admin Dim 25 Aoû 2013 - 9:46


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Message  Admin Lun 26 Aoû 2013 - 10:10

Myanmar and Thai citizens, as well as foreign tourists, will be allowed to pass through four Thai-Myanmar border checkpoints, including Myawady, starting from August 28, an official said.

"We have received instructions to allow Thai citizens and foreign tourists to pass through all four border checkpoints on August 28. The remarkable thing is that Myanmar citizens with visas and passports will also be allowed to visit [Thailand] through the border crossings," said an official from the Immigration and National Registration Department of Myawady District.

The four checkpoints include Tarchileik-Mae Sai, Myawady-Mae Sot, Kawthaung-Ranong and Htee Khee-Sunaron. Fine will be imposed if their visa expired.

Foreign visitors using the border crossings can depart from Myanmar through any official gateways including Yangon, Nay Pyi Taw, and Mandalay.
The government has amended its list of restricted areas after an improvement in rules of law and stability in the country.

Source 11


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Message  Admin Jeu 29 Aoû 2013 - 10:01


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